Duel of the Dirt: Sand Fill Versus Dirt Fill

"What happened to the pile of dirt after it won the lottery? It became filthy rich!"

Have you ever found yourself in the situation where you need to fill a hole or conceal something in your yard, only to realize you're unsure of the right material to use? Let's shed some light on the matter. While both sand fill and dirt fill share certain characteristics, they also boast distinct differences worth exploring.

Sand fill is a common material used in both commercial and residential construction projects. It isn't soft and smooth like other sands. It is coarse and sticks together, but can lose its shape over time. It can serve many purposes for lawn care and landscaping needs. This may include stabilizing pavers, softening or creating play areas for children, and forming walkways. Sand fill is very useful in wet areas because it doesn't hold moisture. It helps with draining issues because water can pass through more easily. This is because the particles are much larger than water, air, and soil can get through. You can also use it as a backfill around septic tanks.

Used just as commonly as sand fill, dirt fill is typically sourced from the subsoil. It sits about six inches beneath the surface, under the topsoil. Dirt fill lacks the organic materials found in sandy fill. This means that there isn't a risk of pockets forming, resulting in settling or shifting. Although fill dirt isn't as rich as its topsoil counterpart, it's still used in a wide variety of ways. Dirt fill is used in construction projects because it's able to be tightly compacted. This allows the dirt to become a stable and sturdy base. Dirt fill is also used to fill in pools and secure septic tanks. It can even change the appearance of terrain by creating hills or filling in dips and holes. It's used in foundations for houses, above-ground pools and highways. It's also used in low-lying construction sites as it helps prevent flooding by raising the building's foundation.

Sand fill and dirt fill are frequently employed in construction and landscaping endeavors. While they may seem interchangeable at times, selecting the appropriate material is crucial. If you're in need of either, we provide top-notch construction and residential aggregates with delivery services. Should you require assistance in determining the most suitable option for your project, feel free to reach out to us for guidance.